The Wall Display is a screen that shows various info about your TARDIS, such as its owner, location, health and permissions for others. This means this exterior is now unlocked and can be selected in the TARDIS Monitor.
Inserting a TARDIS Chameleon Cartridge into this panel will install the exterior disguise. When enabling this panel, a force field will appear around your TARDIS, blocking several hostile projectiles. When using the Flight panel, you can manually fly your TARDIS through the world it is currently in. Lastly, you can also add companions with the monitor, and give permission to your companions to pilot your TARDIS and build in it. Enabling the cloak makes your TARDIS nearly invisible. The HADS makes sure the TARDIS teleports somewhere else (but nearby) when it is under attack. In the settings, you can enable the HADS and Cloak. You can also select which exterior the TARDIS should disguise as. With the monitor, you can set the coordinates for where the TARDIS should land, as well as which dimension or planet.

A bucket of toxic waste will fill it up to 100%. You can add fuel by right clicking on it with wood, coal, zeiton-7 and lonsdaleite. You need to craft a Fuel Tank like shown on the right. The TARDIS requires fuel for coordinate travel. This is different for each exterior.įuel Tank, crafted with an Electronic Circuit. The item on the middle right is the Chameleon Cartridge. Four Ender Pearls, an Empty Map, a Clock, an End Crystal and a TARDIS Shell.