With one eye toward poking fun at the ridiculous things that made up early-'90s pop culture and another aimed squarely at random absurdity, the game's radio stations give you a great cast of wild characters. The series' various radio stations have all been pretty funny over the years, and San Andreas really goes the extra mile. As 2013 resides, the gaming world has provided us with a revolutionary gaming experience with high graphics, good story build-up, and realistic gameplay. The other side of GTA's comedy comes from the radio. Or how about Mike Toreno, with his crazy CIA spook tactics? The list really does go on and on. But then there's Ryder, with his constant drug-addled behavior making him a likable fool right up to the end. Among the top 50 best-selling video games on this list, over half were developed or published by Nintendo, including six of the top ten four Nintendo titles were published with their affiliate, The Pokmon Company. Now in 3D all of the graphic textures and colors have been vastly improved, taking advantage of the considerable graphic power of the Nintendo 3DS system. His conspiracy-theory chatter really livens up the action. The best-selling game on a single platform is Wii Sports, with nearly 83 million sales for the Wii console. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D takes the best-reviewed game of all time for a brand-new experience. His dialogue is well written, well delivered by veteran actor Peter Fonda, and usually hilarious. But underneath the surface, behind the gang violence and crime-empire construction, lies a hotbed for hilarious and often absurd moments.Ĭharacters like The Truth, a burnt-out hippie whom you meet in the countryside between Los Santos and San Fierro, really make up some of what's best about San Andreas. No, we're not claiming that every single activity in San Andreas is a source of humor.